Lights! Color! Action! Storyteller and puppeteer Katie Adams performs
Hispanic stories with a dash of Spanish words, and a splash of colorful shadow puppets.
Stories include How Color came to the World, an Aztec myth about the origin of the rainbow, The Proud Cuckoo Bird, a Mayan tale from Mexico, Mariposa Martinez, a favorite tale from Cuba about a butterfly, and Medio Pollito, a folktale from Spain that has traveled all over Latin America.
This forty-five minute show will spark that creative fire.

For ages 3 and up. Study guide available.

"Ms. Adams is a great storyteller. The children were mesmerized by the performance.
The innovations to the stories were excellent!"
Kathy Partin, Teacher, Mabry Elementary School

Running Time: 45 Minutes | For Ages 3 and older
To Schedule a Show Call 813-282-4993 or Email:


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Sept. 16